Kristan Hawkins, of Students for Life was pleased after young Americans were asked their views on abortion. The survey of registered voters, ages 18-42, showed 7 out of 10 support legal limits for abortion.
Hawkins told the Washington Watch program that number is up slightly from a survey done last year that also questioned so-called Gen-Z and Millennial voters.
“Why, by the way, is the largest demographic in our electorate and the most liberal, she said.

Elsewhere in the survey, 63% of people said they would accept legal restrictions on abortion after 12 ½ weeks. Even more, 66%, said they would be okay with abortion restrictions after 24 weeks.
While most pro-life people would flinch at ending life in the womb at any time, Hawkins likely sees the survey as promising progress among young adults. She travels to college campuses to speak and often spars with rabid abortion supporters who vocally defend abortion at any time during nine months of pregnancy.
In light of that, the survey found only 1 in 10 support abortions without any legal limits, which is the platform of the Democratic Party.
She told Washington Watch that shift among young people helps the pro-life movement and hurts Democrats who have “not gotten the memo yet.”
The survey was requested by Students for Life and done by The Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement. It used SurveyUSA and YouGOV to ask its abortion-related questions to 1,484 young adults.
In a different annual poll, done by The Knights of Columbus with Marist College, researchers asked about conscience rights, pregnancy help centers, and similar issues related to the pro-life movement. For that poll, 1,387 adults were surveyed.
Michael New, of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, likes what the survey uncovered such as 57% oppose tax dollars paying for abortions. In another finding, 73% said they oppose tax dollars paying for abortions in other countries.

Conscience rights also polled well. For example, 62% of Americans support the right for health care professionals to refuse to participate in abortions if they think it's wrong or immoral.
Another 83% said they support the work of pregnancy help centers, which have come under attack – figuratively and literally – after the landmark Dobbs abortion ruling three years ago.
"So, for a lot of the things that pro-lifers care about, the poll had good news," New concludes.