Caution: This article contains information that some may find offensive.
Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver says David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of The Center for Medical Progress began their undercover investigation into the abortion giant in 2015.

Donned with hidden cameras, they met in public places with doctors, executives, and organ procurers, and, in Staver's words, "shocked the world" when they revealed Planned Parenthood and the organ procurement companies "were working together to harvest organs from babies, some of whom were aborted alive."
"I'd say a lot of people want liver, and for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance so they'll know where they're putting their forceps," one individual detailed.
"It was like a 16-year-old kid, so we just had to hurry up," another disclosed. "Other days, it's like more intact."
Other footage shows them discussing the prices of livers, hearts, limbs, lungs, and kidneys.
When Planned Parenthood was exposed for profiting from the organs of the children they were aborting, Staver says there was "a huge outcry worldwide."
Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation responded by seeking help from liberal politicians, and then-Vice President Kamala Harris and former Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra began criminal investigations into the pro-lifers.
"16 felonies were filed against both Sandra and David, which could have resulted in more than a decade in prison," explains Staver, whose organization represented Merritt. "We're very pleased with this startling resolution to this case. This has been going on for nearly a decade, and finally it's over."
Daleiden and Merrit are now free. They will spend no time in jail, pay no fines or restitution, or be required to deal with any other charges against them.
Meanwhile, though some of the organ procurement companies were sued and ultimately went into bankruptcy for violating state and federal law, no one with Planned Parenthood has been indicted.
LifeSiteNews explains that the new Trump Department of Justice most likely cannot prosecute Planned Parenthood for its pre-2015 breaking of federal laws, as most federal crimes have a five-year statute of limitations. But in the years since the original videos were released, evidence of an ongoing relationship between the abortion giant and tissue researchers has continued to emerge, raising the possibility that a new federal investigation might uncover crimes recent enough to pursue.