Emily Davis of Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America says it took 50 years to overturn the controversial decision that had established a constitutional right to abortion, so pro-lifers have "generational type work" ahead of them.
"That's what it's going to take on the ground," she tells AFN. "That's not just through legislation, but that's also through relief through pregnancy centers. There's just a lot of work."
Carol Tobias of National Right to Life adds that women in every state need to know that the pro-life movement is there to help them get though what may be a difficult or unexpected pregnancy.

"Ending the life of her child is not an answer," she asserts. "It's not the solution; it's not going to solve all of her problems. But the pro-life movement needs to step up and be there. We need to help the babies, save the babies, and help their moms."
Pro-life individuals and organizations have also called on men to be more vocal on this issue. According to Students for Life of America, for example, "Lives have been saved on the sidewalks of abortion facilities because pro-life men encouraged the male partners of women entering for abortions to stand up" for the lives of their children.
"So many people who feel compelled to choose abortion truly don't want to and are just looking for one reason, one shred of hope, one supportive nudge to choose life instead," the webpage on how men can defend their pro-life position states. "Men can help be that needed support."