Hit with court setback, pro-life movement watches other side celebrate dead babies

Hit with court setback, pro-life movement watches other side celebrate dead babies

Hit with court setback, pro-life movement watches other side celebrate dead babies

The abortion-cheering Biden administration celebrated a U.S. Supreme Court win this week at the same time it goes across the country violating the intent of one of the high court’s most historic rulings.

The Supreme Court in 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade when it ruled there is no constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy and therefore states should pass their own laws on abortion.

Many red states did just that. They’ve made and enforced abortion restrictions that run counter to the Biden administration’s abortion-supporting wishes.

Now the administration is yanking federal family planning money from states that refuse to make abortion information available as part of their pregnancy counseling.

Tennessee refused and lost $7 million. Oklahoma refused and lost $4.5 million.

In a setback for the states, the Supreme Court this week denied an Oklahoma request to temporarily stop the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from withholding the $4.5 million.

The Supremes offered no commentary in their Tuesday announcement except to say that justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch sided with Oklahoma.

“The federal government funds family planning programs in the states and has since about 1970. Oklahoma takes a good-sized chunk of that for their family planning programs, principally for poor folks,” Steve Aiden, general counsel for Americans United for Life, said on Washington Watch Wednesday.

Now Biden officials are trying to force pro-life states to advance the government’s pro-abortion plan.

“The Biden administration, as part of their nonstop attempt to reimpose a federal right to abortion that the Supreme Court said no longer existed, said, ‘You’re going to have to refer women in Title X programs for abortions,” Aiden explained to show host Jody Hice. “A lot of them said, ‘No thanks. Abortion is illegal in our state.”

The government’s effort violates federal law and not for the first time.

An earlier Department of Defense policy reversal in which it now pays for travel, leave and other abortion-related expenses for military members, violates the Hyde Amendment. That law bans federal funding for abortion services except in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother.

This latest effort violates the Weldon Amendment, Aiden said.

Passed in 2005, the Weldon Amendment prohibits federal funding from being used for abortion services including referrals.

“If the federal government were doing its job under the Constitution, it would enforce and administer a whole host of pro-life laws that Congress has passed over the years,” Aiden said.

A bus tour for killing babies

The Biden administration’s push to further subvert the Roe v. Wade decision, and advance policies of taxpayer-funded abortions with few, if any, restrictions, comes to light as Kamala Harris embarks on a pro-abortion bus tour across the country.

Vice President Harris, the Democratic nominee, began her “Fighting for Reproductive Freedom” bus tour earlier this week in Palm Beach.

The tour is expected to make at least 50 stops over the next couple of months in red, blue and battleground states, the Harris campaign said.

The tour will focus on holding Donald Trump “directly accountable for the devastating impacts of overturning Roe v. Wade, including threatening access to in vitro fertilization,” the campaign said.

The bus tour is the latest example of why North Carolina pastor and rights activist John Amanchukwu (pictured at left) calls the Democrats the “party of death.”

Abortion, he says, is racist, basing his thoughts on Planned Parenthood founder Margarat Sanger’s letter to C.J. Gamble, of Proctor and Gamble, in 1939. Sanger wrote of recruiting and training black physicians and pastors to assist in her goal to “exterminate the Negro population.”

“If you are pro-abortion, you're also pro racism, and it's time for Americans to really understand what that truly says about a political party who seeks to do that,” Amanchukwu told Hice.

Sanger was a darling of the Ku Klux Klan who was routinely invited to speak at KKK events, he said.

“Today, Tim Walz and Kamala Harris, a fake black woman, wants to say that they support (abortion), and blacks are supposed to go along with that for the sake of identity politics? Because I'm a black man, I should vote for someone who looks like me, regardless of the fact that they want to kill as many black babies as possible?

“For any Christian who casts a vote for the Democrat Party. They're not doing that based upon the Bible. They're doing that based upon secular humanism and postmodernism and a new Christ and a new Bible and a new doctrine of the faith, not based upon Christian principles,” Amanchukwu said.

In spite of ruling, states don’t control abortion

Eyeing the votes of suburban women, Harris has made “reproductive rights" a cornerstone of her campaign.

The DOD’s aggressive efforts for taxpayer funded abortion through the military and current cases winding their way through various courts underscore that overturning Roe v. Wade did not return abortion to the control of states – even if that was the ruling’s intent.

The fight continues at both the state and federal levels, Aiden said.

He noted that it took 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“There are a host of federal laws that protect life, but the administration has to commit to enforcing them instead of trying to circumvent them,” Aiden said. “Americans United for Life is fighting the fight in Congress and all 50 states, and we’re looking forward to the day when there's a constitutional amendment protecting all life, even if that's a generational goal.”