Abortion mecca NYC drops humane policy for late-term abortions

Abortion mecca NYC drops humane policy for late-term abortions

Abortion mecca NYC drops humane policy for late-term abortions

A pro-life activist is speaking out after learning New York City has announced it is no longer treating the victim of a late-term abortion as human remains.

The announcement comes from the New York City Department of Health. It has decreed that unborn babies aborted at or after 24 weeks, or six months into the pregnancy, would no longer be sent to funeral homes for burial or cremation.

A city health code will be changed to reflect the new policy. Instead, abortion facilities can now handle the tiny bodies in whatever way they wish.

George Frost, chairman of the Long Island Coalition for Life, tells AFN the new rule is a reflection of how abortion supporters view the unborn. 

“It’s another example of how the pre-born baby in the womb is treated by people who are pro-abortion as nothing but, you know, trash,” he complains.

Frost says the new policy also reflects on liberal abortion policies in blue-state New York, which is considered the abortion capital of the U.S.  

"You can get an abortion in the third trimester in New York state,” he says. “We have abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy. So we're not like Alabama or Mississippi or Texas."

One reason given for the new policy is so the mother is not responsible for the expense of a funeral or cremation.

“But that to me is not a major consideration,” Frost counters, “when you're dealing with innocent human life."