Most abortions in the U.S. are now done chemically with pills that are flowing into all 50 states in violation of federal and some state laws.
Still, in its first abortion decision since overturning Roe v. Wade two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that pro-life advocates lacked the legal right to sue over the federal Food and Drug Administration's approval of mifepristone and the agency's subsequent actions to ease access to it.
Live Action points out that since the fall of Roe v. Wade, multiple media outlets and high-ranking politicians have falsely claimed that state protections for living preborn babies have created confusion for women experiencing natural miscarriages – which are not the same thing as elective abortions.
The narrative suggests that pro-life laws are to blame when women cannot get the healthcare they need, "but while the media suggests that doctors in multiple states are 'confused' and putting women at risk, the nation's largest abortion chain — Planned Parenthood — is not confused at all, and is offering miscarriage care in these same states," the pro-life organization reports.

"When taken in combination, the first pill (mifepristone) cuts off oxygen and kills the child, while the second (misoprostol) – and the first pill even by itself – can trigger a miscarriage," explains American Life League's (ALL) Hugh Brown.
According to Live Action News' research, Planned Parenthood has responded to that by offering miscarriage care in 11 of the 14 states with the most pro-life protections in place.
But Brown encourages women to think twice about availing themselves of the service.
"It's an organization that murders children, profits off the murders of children, sells the bodies of dead children, destructs the family, destructs young people, sexualizes young people, and we're going to trust them that their miscarriage and postpartum care services are legitimate?" he poses. "Of course not."
In his view, the only way to stop the harm is to "target outlawing these pills, criminalizing these pills, and prosecuting and criminalizing the people that provide these pills."
States' pro-life laws exempt women who abort from prosecution, and each of the states with one or more strong gestational limits on abortion permits miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy management.
Strategizing against abortion pill providers
Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin (R) recently sent cease and desist letters to two abortion pill peddlers, citing violation of his state's Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
So far, Choices Women's Center Medical Center in New York has complied, but Aid Access of the Netherlands has not responded.
"We know that they received [our cease and desist letter], because they were quoted in national press," Griffin tells AFN.
Now that the deadline for a reply has passed, the attorney general's staff is huddling to determine the next step, which could be a lawsuit seeking a heavy duty fine.
Meanwhile, Griffin has expanded his investigation to include at least one more abortion provider that remains unidentified for now.