Starting with Good Friday and ending on Resurrection Sunday, Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League says for 12 years now, his organization has been inviting people to go to abortion clinics, "the place of the skull" in their communities, and contemplate the passion of Jesus Christ and His resurrection.

"We really think of the abortion facility as the Golgotha where innocent blood is shed, the innocent blood of unborn children," Scheidler tells AFN. "There's a deep association between the suffering and death of Christ, His redemptive act of suffering and the plight of these children who have been abandoned and cast out of the human family by our laws, by our culture, and by their own mothers and fathers."
These visits to the child termination facilities are meant to be spent in respectful prayer.
"First and foremost, pray in mourning for these children," Scheidler suggests. "Our Lord told us, 'Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted,' and there is tremendous comfort that comes from being there where children are dying and offering them the gift of mourning, the only gift they will receive this side of eternity."
The pro-lifers are also asked to pray for the mothers who are contemplating abortion, for the fathers to step forward and handle their responsibilities, and for the abortion clinic staff to find suitable work outside the child killing industry.
A "Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion" service is being held outside nearly 80 abortion facilities nationwide today, including locations in Florida, New York, California, and Alaska.