Remember, you can't serve two masters

Remember, you can't serve two masters

Remember, you can't serve two masters

A prominent pro-life organization is calling on the public, not politicians, to put a stop to a dangerous bill in Virginia.

American Life League (ALL) is sounding the alarm about HB 819, which has been approved by both houses of the Virginia General Assembly. It requires employers to offer all FDA approved "birth control" drugs and devices, including those that cause abortion. There is no opt-out clause.

"The bill in a nutshell essentially removes any form of conscience or religious protections for objections to providing contraception and essentially abortifacients to organizations in Virginia," explains ALL Vice President Hugh Brown.

If Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) signs the measure into law, even churches would be bound by it.

Brown does not think either of the major political parties should be making decisions on life issues.

Brown, Hugh (ALL) Brown

"When it comes to the issues of life and morality, all they do is compromise," he laments. "People that call themselves Christians support the worst possible things and then say, 'Well, privately I oppose this; publicly it's my constitutional … responsibility to support such things,' which, again, is utter nonsense. You can't have two selves. A house divided falls, and you can't serve two masters."

So, American Life League is asking the people of Virginia to contact the governor's office and politely ask him to veto HB 819.

If it is signed into law, then the faith-driven organization will be most eager to take legal action.