San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer is leading the charge to have tax dollars set aside to fund her campaign against pro-life pregnancy care clinics. Greg Burt of the California Family Council says she and her proponents have made the usual complaints that are impossible to prove.

"They usually never point to an individual center that they think is a problem," Burt notes. "They make broad-brush accusations, and they claim that [the centers are] being deceptive and misleading."
According to the county supervisor, pregnancy resource centers (PRC) are "fake" healthcare providers – even those that have licensed medical staff available and/or are licensed medical clinics in the State of California.
Live Action submits the reason Lawson-Remer and others are spreading misinformation about PRCs is simply that they do not provide abortions – but that is because abortion is not healthcare.
Lawson-Remer is asking for $500,000 to launch a public education campaign aimed at slandering the pro-life organizations. She also wants lawsuits to be brought against them.
"They want to put together campaigns to discredit these organizations," Burt says. "This particular proposal actually [aims] to put up billboards and a social media campaign to warn the public about these terrible organizations."
Last week, the Board of Supervisors failed to pass Lawson-Remer's proposal. But because it can be proposed repeatedly, there is a chance that it may get approved at some point. Even if it does eventually pass, Burt asserts there will be plenty of legal help available to help San Diego's PRCs ensure that their county leaders do not prevail.