Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s pro-life governor, was hoping to add more Republican seats in the Virginia House of Delegates and flip the Virginia Senate but, instead, Democrats won control of the House and maintained their majority in the Senate.
Olivia Turner, of the Virginia Society for Human Life, tells AFN political ads got abortion supporters to the polls over fear of pro-life legislation after Election Day wins.

“All of that went out the window,” she says, “in the face of the millions of dollars that were spent to manipulate the voting public.”
With pro-abortion Democrats in control, Turner predicts a parental consent law will be struck down and even the state’s pro-life pregnancy centers, which are hated by Democrats, will be targeted.
“They will do everything they can to push their agenda forward, including trying to pass a constitutional amendment right here in Virginia just like what happened there in Ohio,” she predicts.
Regarding the Issue 1 abortion vote in Ohio, Mike Richter of Indiana Right to Life tells AFN it was sad to see a neighboring state vote to enshrine abortion in its state constitution.
“Indiana will now be bordered on three sides by states that support abortion on demand,” he says. “But we are grateful that Indiana is leading the Midwest, along with Kentucky, in protecting the lives of unborn babies and pregnant moms.”
Indiana voters supported pro-life candidates on Election Day, he says.