A lawsuit meant to send a message

A lawsuit meant to send a message

A lawsuit meant to send a message

A Texas pro-life organization is cracking down on groups that are on the brink of receiving tax dollars to fund their illegal activity.

Dr. John Seago, president of Texas Right to Life, says his organization is suing San Antonio because the city's budget includes a half-million dollars for a "Reproductive Justice Fund" to be distributed to entities that are providing transportation for pregnant women to obtain abortions out of state and assisting with illegal chemical abortions in Texas.

"What we're worried about is these groups have already admitted to breaking pro-life laws, and now the city of San Antonio is joining their criminal organization by giving them taxpayer dollars," Seago relays.

Most abortions are illegal in Texas, and state law also forbids facilitating an abortion, or helping a Texan illegally end the life of a preborn baby.

Texas Right to Life's lawsuit asks, among other things, for the court to issue an injunction so the city cannot give out any of the grants while the matter is being settled.

Seago, Dr. John (Texas Right to Life) Seago

"None of the money has exchanged hands yet, and that's the first thing," Seago reports. "We want to make sure that the city of San Antonio doesn't give out any taxpayer dollars to these pro-abortion groups until we get a judge to rule on whether this is criminal or not."

Though elected officials in other Texas cities have spoken against the state's pro-life laws, San Antonio wants to use tax dollars to break them.

Months ago, citizens of San Antonio overwhelmingly rejected a far-left ballot initiative that would have decriminalized abortion. Despite the resounding result at the polls, city council members continue to push abortion against the interests of its citizens.

So with this lawsuit, Texas Right to Life is hoping to send a strong message to politicians: "Stick with the political speeches, and don't waste taxpayer dollars on pro-abortion organizations."