Felony charges against abortionist dropped … but civil lawsuits could arise

Felony charges against abortionist dropped … but civil lawsuits could arise

Felony charges against abortionist dropped … but civil lawsuits could arise

A Michigan abortionist hasn't had his last day in court over an injury he inflicted on a pro-life sidewalk counselor.

Earlier this year, Saginaw abortionist Theodore Roumell, 88, drove into his abortion clinic and struck pro-life sidewalk counselor Mark Zimmerman who was walking across the driveway. Zimmerman's leg was broken and to this day he walks with a limp. (Related report includes video of the incident)

On September 15, the judge dismissed the felony charges against Roumell during the preliminary hearing. AFN spoke with Lynn Mills of Pro-Life Michigan, who says no one raised the notion in the preliminary hearing that the abortionist could have applied his brakes or slowed down.

"In fact, Roumell's attorney said [the abortionist] had no obligation to yield to Mark Zimmerman – which I found outrageous and, in my mind, criminal," says Mills.

But the abortionist is not being given a pass, she says. "There will be civil lawsuits tried – and with that Roumell will be deposed [and] his corporation will be put on trial; and that means the owner of the abortion mill. So, buckle up Women's Center of Saginaw."

Zimmerman's attorney Robert Dunn is quoted as saying he will try to reinstate the felony charge or appeal the dismissal so all the evidence can go before the full court.