, the pro-life news website, noticed a recent Iowa poll of GOP voters. Among the findings, 54% said they would support a candidate who wants to ban abortion nationwide at 15 weeks.
The poll was done jointly by NBC News and the Des Moines Register in preparation for the Iowa caucuses that are now just five months away.
Iowa resident Maggie DeWitte, who leads pro-life group Pulse Life Advocates, tells AFN the Republican Party would be wise to make abortion a major campaign issue to separate its beliefs from the other political party.

“The Democratic Party agrees with abortion without limitations for all nine months of pregnancy, and even beyond, and they want taxpayers to pay for it,” she says. “And the majority of Americans just do not support that kind of extremism position on this issue.”
She says the Republican candidates are currently wooing pro-life voters in the state and those voters will have an opportunity to set a pro-life standard for the rest of the nation in January.