They've got one thing on their minds

They've got one thing on their minds

They've got one thing on their minds

With some members of Congress trying to pave another way to violate federal law, pro-lifers wonder why they won't let pregnancy help centers help provide the fundamental healthcare pregnant women need.

Abortion supporters in Congress have introduced the Reproductive Health Patient Navigator Act, a bill that instructs Health and Human Services (HHS) to pump money into abortion travel.

As Live Action News explains, the amendment to an existing law was reintroduced in July. It mandates that the HHS secretary create a grant program for so-called abortion "navigators."

Though it does not specify a funding amount, the grants could fund efforts to inform women about abortion and coordinate financing resources for travel-related costs, including transportation, childcare, and lodging.

According to the text, funding could go toward "providing emotional wellness and doula support to individuals accessing abortion services" and "developing partnerships with local community organizations providing services for which eligible entity provides assistance, abortion service providers, and other patient navigators."

Tobias, Carol (NRLC) Tobias

"It's amazing that members of Congress are so interested in using tax dollars to help women get abortions, and yet they never seem to come up with the idea that maybe pregnancy centers should get some kind of help as well," responds Carol Tobias of the National Right to Life Committee.

She points out that the Democrats who introduced and support the measure, as well as Planned Parenthood and the other abortion providers who support it, also appear to be ignoring the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal money from going toward abortion, even the promotion of the life-ending procedure.

"We have the Department of Veterans Affairs paying for abortions for veterans and eligible spouses and dependents," Tobias notes. "We have the Department of Defense paying for women to travel to other states to get an abortion. Now we've got members of Congress wanting to pay to counsel women in how to get an abortion."

"They have one thing on their mind, and that's killing unborn babies," the pro-lifer observes. "And they want our tax dollars to do most of it."