Elizabeth Marbach of Ohio Right to Life tells AFN the ACLU is gathering petition signatures in an effort to get a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot in November.

“If passed, the amendment would enshrine abortion until birth. Zero restrictions. Taxpayer funded,” Marbach warns. “And it would remove all pro-life laws that are currently in place, including parental consent.”
To counter that left-wing activism, conservatives have introduced a ballot initiative – Issue 1 – on the August ballot. If approved by voters, it would amend the Ohio Constitution by raising the threshold to 60% beyond the current 50% threshold.

Meanwhile, Maria Gallagher of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation tells AFN pro-abortion nurses are supporting legislation that would change a current state law that limits abortion to licensed physicians. Allowing nurses to abort unburn babies, she says, would make already-dangerous abortions even more dangerous.
“We feel that, as long as abortion is legal,” she says, “it should be doctors who perform those abortions and not anybody else.”
Gallagher says pro-life nurses in Pennsylvania are speaking out and defending life, too.