Andrea Trudden of Heartbeat International explains that the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a self-described "non-profit that counters the spread of online hate and disinformation," launched its attack in 2021 to make sure that pro-life pregnancy resource centers could not advertise anywhere on the internet.
"In this latest attack, they refer to pregnancy centers as 'fake clinics' 198 times, which is purely false in and of itself," Trudden details. "They're making a point to distort everything good about the centers."
Scott Baker, vice president of public affairs for Choose Life Marketing, calls the report -- "Profiting From Deceit: How Google Profits From Anti-Choice Ads Distorting Searches For Reproductive Healthcare" -- "such a distortion of reality."
Live Action also relays that he deems it "comical" to suggest that Google unfairly favors pro-life organizations, because the contrary is true.

For the CCDH, the issue is that abortion is not among the services pregnancy care centers provide. Meanwhile, all of the assistance they do offer is for free for the women, and the clinics are staffed mostly by volunteers.
"The CCDH has decided that they do not want a presence for pregnancy centers anywhere, and so they are calling on politicians to empower the [Federal Trade Commission] to prohibit them from being able to advertise as well," Trudden relays.
That means when women search online for help with an unexpected pregnancy, the only information that will pop up is on abortion and how to find the nearest abortion clinics. In other words, the CCDH wants to make women believe that abortion is the only way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy.