Pro-lifers vow to keep fighting after setbacks in Minnesota

Pro-lifers vow to keep fighting after setbacks in Minnesota

Pro-lifers vow to keep fighting after setbacks in Minnesota

After pro-life activists in blue-state Minnesota witnessed the other side push through abortion bills in the state legislature, the pro-lifers are vowing to keep fighting.

“We know that Minnesotans are not as extreme as this legislative session would like to believe,” Cathy Blaeser, speaking for Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, tells AFN.

In the legislature, however, where Democrats hold a narrow majority, Blaeser and other pro-lifers witnessed bills that ended the “Positive Abortion Alternatives” program and stripped away protections for infants that survive abortions.

Abortion-defending legislators also pumped more state funding into abortion services.

Not every lawmaker supported those efforts, however.

“I will rise in this moment right now to be a voice for innocent lives, and I make zero apology for it,” said Rep. Ben Davis, a Republican, said during floor debate.

Blaeser tells AFN she believes most Minnesotans believe an infant should not be allowed to die if it survives an abortion, and most of the public would be appalled to learn state legislators believe otherwise, she insists.

“They don’t want most of what this legislative session has provided,” she says, “and once they are made aware of what this session has provided to them, they will say no.”

If the pro-life side is looking for any positive developments, the news that Planned Parenthood is laying off some of its paid national personnel is welcome news. In an announcement, the abortion giant said it is cutting approximately 80 jobs – up to 20% of its staff – and is restructuring its nationwide strategy.