LeRoy 'crockpot' Carhart no longer here to kill unborn babies

LeRoy 'crockpot' Carhart no longer here to kill unborn babies

LeRoy 'crockpot' Carhart no longer here to kill unborn babies

After unrepentant abortionist LeRoy Carhart passed away over the weekend, pro-life leaders are remembering the baby-murdering man for a career that not only killed unborn babies but also killed their mothers, too.

Over the weekend, the formal announcement came that Carhart had died at age 82. He owned an abortuary in Nebraska and one in Maryland, where he killed second and third trimester babies.

Sandy Danek of Nebraska Right to Life recalls that Carhart claimed he was pro-life but repeatedly stated his purpose in the abortion business was to help women.

“Are there people in the abortion industry who believe that they are helping women? Perhaps,” Danek says. “But you can't kill, as he boasted, more than 30,000 babies in your career and even try to convince anyone that you're pro-life.”

Just how sinister was Carhart? A Live Action story from 2019 reported on his unsettling interview with a BBC reporter. When the reporter points out Carhart is referring to the fetus as a baby, which is not a term abortionists never use, he didn’t flinch.

“I-I think that it is a baby,” Carhart replies, “and I tell our – I use it with the patients.”

“And you don’t have a problem with killing a baby?” the reporter presses.

“I have no problem if it’s in the mother’s uterus,” he replies.

Back in 2013, a decade ago, Live Action went undercover and recorded Carhart telling a pregnant woman – she was 26 weeks pregnant – her dead baby will be like “meat in a crockpot.”  

Hugh Brown, of the American Life League, is also familiar with Carhart. He remembers that Carhart failed in a legal battle with the U.S. Supreme Court to legitimize partial-birth abortion.

“This person did it for decades,” Brown says of the now-deceased abortionist.

As far as Carhart defending his gruesome practice, Brown remembers that claim, too. “Of course, he never mentioned God, faith, abstinence, or keeping human sexuality in marriage as God defines it,” Brown says. “So he used all those deceptions to justify the murder of tens of thousands of children.”

Finally, Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League remembers Carhart because the notorious abortionist kept his medical license even though women have died under his care.

“He will leave town after he does abortions and go back to Nebraska, where he was living, leaving the emergency room people to deal with cleaning up his mess,” Scheidler sadly recalls.

In light of a child murderer taking his last breath, Scheidler says there is a “sense of relief” Carhart cannot hurt women and kill children anymore.

AFN has reported on Carhart through the years. Those stories can be read here.