Last June, the pro-life CompassCare Pregnancy Services clinic in Buffalo, New York suffered extensive damage when it was firebombed. After months of inaction from the "politicized" FBI, ministry founder Jim Harden tells AFN local police have arrested a woman for a separate act of vandalism.
"This particular arrest was of a 39-year-old woman," Harden reports.
On March 16, Hannah Kamke reportedly vandalized CompassCare's front sign by writing the word "Liar" in large letters with red spray paint. Amherst Police say the FBI helped with the investigation that led to her arrest.

"She was arrested on criminal mischief counts, which carries a mandatory 1–5-year prison sentence if convicted," the pro-lifer explains. "This would be on top of any punishment that is precipitated by federal charges brought by the Department of Justice for violation of the FACE Act, Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act."
He doubts those charges will be filed, though, because that law has only been applied against pro-lifers. Harden has also criticized federal authorities for failing to arrest any suspects in connection to the June firebombing.
In this most recent case, the individual was caught making the accusation that is being leveled against pro-life entities across the spectrum.
"This is important," Harden says. "The Jane's Revenge pro-abortion terrorist group insists that pro-life pregnancy centers lie to women and we manipulate them and somehow mislead them."
He notes, however, that even undercover abortion groups have found that not to be true.