Brian Westbrook of Coalition Life reports that one recent case involves an abortionist in Fairview Heights, Illinois who drove up to a pro-lifer as he was leaving his clinic.
"He moves forward about two feet [and] knocks our sidewalk counselor into … the drainage ditch," Westbrook details. "He falls over. Luckily, he wasn't seriously injured."
Westbrook says a clinic worker did call the police, but with an alternate account, claiming that the sidewalk counselor "jumped in front of a car." So the officer took no action. In fact, he did not even talk with the injured pro-lifer.
Likewise, at the Flossmoor abortion clinic near Chicago, a clinic escort noticed that sidewalk counselors were trying to convince a woman to not abort her baby.

"He approached very quickly, and because he saw that we have another person approaching to help, hip-checked her and then shoved her, planning to shove her all the way to the ground," Westbrook tells AFN. "Luckily, she didn't fall all the way to the ground and wasn't seriously injured."
The clinic worker in that case was arrested.
Westbrook says pro-life counselors are used to being yelled at and verbally threatened, but physical attacks are a relatively new development. Meanwhile, the federal government has tried to prosecute pro-lifers like Mark Houck for standing up to attacks from abortion advocates, and the Department of Justice continues to ignore the violent attacks against churches and pregnancy centers across the country.