The Centers for Disease Control has released abortion figures for 2020 that show a 2% drop in abortions for the year, which comes after those numbers jumped in 2018 and 2019.
Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute tells AFN the abortion figures reflect how the COVID-19 pandemic affected five states: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas. All of them stopped performing abortions and hence the numbers declined. Oklahoma saw the abortion rate fall by 24%, the largest drop in those five states.

“So the COVID-19 policies, in some cases,” New summarizes, “protected preborn children, had a real impact, saved unborn children, and spared women a lifetime of regret.”
During that same time period, abortions in abortion-supporting New York dropped by 19%.
Elsewhere in the CDC figures, chemical abortions jumped 18% in the U.S., and New says half of current abortions are performed with that dangerous method.
New, an associate scholar at Lozier, wrote about the CDC abortion figures for a recent National Review article.