Brian Clowes of Human Life International (HLS) says the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) deserves attention because its public face does not match its actual operations. HLI has been gathering evidence for years, and Clowes notes that UNICEF actually reveals itself for what it really is.

"Abortion has to be legalized worldwide," he relays. "In fact, all medical people who refuse should be fired. Children have the right to euthanasia without their parents' consent. Boys as young as 10 have the right to have sex with adult men. Transgenderism is a right."
Federal governments, even in countries where people are starving, must pay for those things, and any opposition to the homosexual agenda is automatically viewed as hatred and "homophobia."
Regarding abortion, HLI's 32-page document reveals that as long ago as 1987, UNICEF officially endorsed "good quality abortion services" at the International Conference on Better Health for Women and Children in Nairobi. UNICEF also partnered with the United Nations World Health Organization (UNWHO) and the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) in the Coordinating Committee on Health with UNFPA's major partner agency, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is the largest abortion-pushing organization in the world.
Meanwhile, the United Nations has also been caught approaching its anti-population agenda in a tricky way.
"In 1995, the Philippines won a court order stopping a UNICEF anti-tetanus program because the vaccine had been laced with an abortifacient hormone that sterilizes and causes miscarriages in the recipients," Clowes recalls.
He also relays that UNICEF at one point had and lost billions of dollars and then refused to answer questions after failing an audit – all the while maintaining that they are always transparent.
Clowes adds that other UN programs have similar backgrounds and agendas, and HLI has the documentation to prove it.