NPR reporter defends airing audio of actual abortion

NPR reporter defends airing audio of actual abortion

NPR reporter defends airing audio of actual abortion

A recent piece on abortion aired by National Public Radio failed to tell the full truth about abortion – and about an abortion clinic in Detroit that provided the setting for the story.

CAUTION: The contents of this story may offend some readers.

NPR Michigan reporter Kate Wells did the 11-minute story interviewing sobbing abortion patients, but it also aired audio of an actual abortion with the patient moaning as the noisy vacuum aspirator sucked the baby from the womb and into a bloody container.

Wells (voiceover narrative): "The lights are dimmed, there's soothing music, it actually feels a lot like a childbirth, in a medical gown, your bare legs and stirrups, and a person next to you, saying, 'You can do this.'"

Anna Visser of Right to Life Michigan questions why that segment was aired at all since airing the actual abortion wasn't necessary to make the point of the story.

Visser, Anna (Right to Life of Michigan) Visser

"Probably along with a lot of people, I was pretty horrified when I heard that this was the recording of a live abortion," Visser shares with AFN. "This happened at the Northland Family Planning abortion facility in Michigan. It is part of a way for them to normalize abortion, but I kind of think that it backfired on them."

In fact, the story audibly demonstrated what pro-lifers have pointed out for decades: the sadness, even depression, of women undergoing an abortion.

Next Tuesday, Michigan voters will deal with a constitutional amendment that would legalize abortion up to the moment of birth. "They did a whole segment on this promoting Proposal 3 through NPR," notes Visser. "This is definitely a part of a way for them to promote Proposal 3."

Challenged on Twitter for doing a "pro-abortion" story, NPR's Wells argued that because abortion is on the ballot "getting to see what's actually happening in clinics right now isn't biased, it's factual."

Despite the reporter's contention her story revealed "what's actually happening in clinics," it did not report the number of times ambulances have transported abortion patients from the clinic to emergency rooms post-abortion; nor did it reveal that the Northland clinic has had serious problems in passing state inspections just to stay open.

Former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director Abby Johnson can attest to the fact that it was all a lie.

Johnson, Abby Johnson

"Of course, they're putting on a performance," she tells AFN. "Doctor/patient interaction is nonexistent in the abortion clinic."

The NPR reporter talked over most of the sounds of the actual abortion. Johnson says not covering up those sounds would have destroyed the illusion of calm and safety.

"You did not hear the pieces of this 11-week-old baby being suctioned into the glass jar. You did not hear the very loud suction noise of the baby's head. You didn't hear the woman yelling out in pain, which I'm sure happened," she adds.

Related story from The Daily Signal:
Vacuuming, moaning: NPR plays abortion on air

11/7/2022 - Comments from Abby Johnson added.