In the days immediately following the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade in June, a decision that handed the issue of abortion back to the states, Democrats said the issue of abortion would be on the ballot this year. Two of the nation’s top Democrats made that perfectly clear in the wake of that decision:
President Joe Biden (June 24, 2022): "This fall, we must elect more senators and representatives who will codify a woman's right to choose into federal law once again. [We must] elect more state leaders to protect this right at the local level. We need to restore the protections of Roe as law of the land. We need to elect officials who will do that. This fall, Roe is on the ballot."
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (June 24, 2022): "This cruel ruling is outrageous and heart-wrenching. But make no mistake: the rights of women and all Americans are on the ballot this November."
Because of this, Mary Owens, communications director for Susan B, Anthony Pro-Life America , says it is “absolutely imperative” that pro-life voters show up to the polls this election cycle.
“The Democrats have made it clear that they are running on abortion on demand up until the moment of birth, paid for by the taxpayer – and often times many of these Democratic candidates cannot name a single limit on abortion that they would support,” Owens tells AFN.
“So, if you are a pro-life voter and you want to protect unborn children and their mother from the horror of abortion, I encourage you to go to the polls and to vote for your pro-life candidates this election cycle."
While states do have the ability to decide abortion policies, Owens says federal legislation could potentially wipe those laws or regulations off the books.
"For instance, it you live in a state like Florida where there is a 15-week limit, that state law will be completely wiped away if a federal abortion law goes into effect, such as the Women's Health Protection Act,” she points out. “So, it's incredibly important that we elect pro-life leaders at the federal and at that state level to have a pro-life majority."
No repeat of Kansas
Meanwhile, pro-life voters in Kentucky are being warned to be on the lookout for false statements by abortion proponents to defeat a proposed constitutional amendment. Desperate to protect their business, Planned Parenthood and others are using false ads throughout the state against Amendment 2 on the November ballot.
David Walls of the Family Foundation in Kentucky tells AFN that abortion proponents want to muddy the water to get people to vote against the amendment, which is worded specifically to prevent rogue, left-wing judges from overturning pro-life laws.

“Frankly, [they’re lying] to Kentuckians and particularly to women about what this amendment does. Anyone can read the amendment; it’s very straightforward,” he shares. “It just says ‘To protect human life, nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or to require the funding of abortion.’”
Walls argues that the Left's approach leading up to Election Day amounts to a “desperate attempt” by the pro-abortion industry,
“But at the end of the day, we have the opportunity [and] the privilege to be standing for truth and righteousness,” he proclaims. “We hope the Body of Christ will do everything they can to ensure that every pro-life Kentuckian knows that we need to get out and vote yes for life, yes on Amendment 2 on November 8 here in Kentucky.”
In Kansas this summer, the abortion cartel was so successful at lying voters defeated a pro-life amendment. But Walls says that doesn't have to be repeated in Kentucky.
Couldn't be clearer
Abortion has become a hot and heavy issue in state and federal races in Pennsylvania as well. Janice Gottshall, senior counsel for Pennsylvania Family Institute, tells AFN the line has been drawn – meaning voters need not struggle to make a choice.

"Republicans, of course, are campaigning on the sanctity of life," she says. "There are different levels of protections – some are advocating for a heartbeat bill [and] there are some who believe in protections from conception."
But as Gottshall explains, life-affirming bills passed by the Republican legislature in the past few years have been vetoed by Democratic Governor Tom Wolf.
She goes on to point out that, in contrast, Democrats want to abolish all pro-life protections – including approval of abortion through birth and taxpayers footing the bill. The latter would effectively end the Hyde Amendment.
"By the way, those efforts would completely get rid of any protections that currently exist, such as … parental consent for minors," the pro-life laments. "It also would end the 24-hour waiting period. So, there would be no pro-life protections in place under this effort that's being pushed."
Democrat State Representative Elizabeth Fielder, a strong supporter of abortion, is asking elected officials to sign a pledge to bow to every demand of the abortion cartel.
Editor's note: Remarks from Janice Gottshall added after story was originally posted.