Ross Foti, 88, is known by fellow pro-lifers and by clinic staff after demonstrating in front of North California abortion clinics for three decades.
Last week, outside a Planned Parenthood clinic, Foti was allegedly attacked by a woman who was entering the clinic according to attorney Alexandra Synder of Life Legal Defense Foundation. The unidentified woman was angry over losing a parking spot.

“She parks her car, gets out, and runs towards him,” Snyder recalls, “and then kind of charges at him: puts her arms out and just shoves him into this fire hydrant.”
Paramedics were called and rushed Fotti to a hospital, where doctors said he had a collapsed lung and other serious injuries. He was hospitalized for four days and is still in pain.
Snyder says Life Legal has communicated with law enforcement over the incident and is representing Foti to make sure his assailant is prosecuted.