Hungary's Communist and Socialist parties have long ignored the country's Constitution, which declares that life begins at conception and will be protected from that point onward. And as Brian Clowes, director of education and research at Human Life International, points out, the country is now reaping the consequences of that.
"There have been six million abortions since it was legalized in '56, and that has consumed, that has killed 40% of Hungary's population," Clowes reports. "And since 1979, they've gone from 10.7 million population to 9.6 [million], so they've lost 1.1 million people."
So in addition to impacting the nation's economy, not enough babies are being born to replace the aging in the workforce.

However, Hungary's right-wing government recently issued a decree that will require doctors to present women requesting an abortion with fetal vital signs, an obligation that Breitbart says tightens the country's relatively liberal abortion rules.
"What they're doing now is they're requiring that women see their children on the ultrasound screen and have a discussion on the humanity of the unborn child before that child is killed," Clowes explains. "It's not preventing them from having an abortion. It's just full disclosure."
The result of the decree is expected to mirror what the United States has found: The majority of abortion-minded women who hear their baby's heartbeat and see their baby in the womb via sonogram change their minds and choose life for their child.