Opponent of assisted suicide says France being deceived

Opponent of assisted suicide says France being deceived

Opponent of assisted suicide says France being deceived

Another nation in euthanasia-approving Europe is moving in the direction of assisted suicide but an opponent of the practice says the public is being deceived.

French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for a national debate to explore options for end-of-life care, including the possibility of legalizing assisted suicide.

Rita Marker of the Patients Rights Council tells AFN that is a strange topic to push because the practice is already being carried out by removing food and hydration until a person dies.

“When people say this isn't euthanasia, it really is,” she says. “I mean, if you're going to sedate them and then take away food and fluids, that definitely is euthanasia although technically it's not considered to be so.”

Marker, Rita (Patients Rights Council) Marker

So it appears, she further explains, that France is appealing for a faster way to die.

Euthanasia is currently legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Spain.  

Asked if the French president is being deceptive, Marker says that is certainly the case.

"Sure it is," she says. "It really is a sham."