There was great rejoicing from pro-lifers – understandably – when the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization last month overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision legalizing abortion on demand across America. The ruling in Dobbs returned the decision on abortion to the states, many of which have taken steps and enacted laws that protect the unborn.
Tuesday's defeat of the Value Them Both amendment in Kansas, however, has been arguably the biggest disappointment on the pro-life scene in the weeks since Dobbs was announced.
"I think we just need to be persistent," said Dr. Michael New, professor of political science and social research at The Catholic University of America on the "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" radio program. "We were not promised an easy glide path to victory after Dobbs – we are going to have to take this to the states.

"We're going to run into resistance even in conservative states," he emphasized. "But it's important to remember we've done quite a lot of good since Dobbs."
Pointing to a recent analysis from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, New pointed out 11 states already have protective pro-life laws in effect.
"In those states, 43 abortion facilities are no longer doing abortions," he highlighted. "We also have data from Heartbeat International that found their hotline has seen an increase in call volume; and a majority of their pregnancy help centers are seeing more and more women seeking help."
The bottom line, as far as New is concerned, is that abortion facilities are closing and more pregnant women are seeking life-affirming options.
"These are great victories for the pro-life movement," said New. "We are not always going to win every battle. We just need to be persistent and always confident that, in the end, victory will be ours."