Progressive pro-lifers putting it all on the line for the preborn

Progressive pro-lifers putting it all on the line for the preborn

Progressive pro-lifers putting it all on the line for the preborn

The pro-lifers who are paying a price for rescuing babies from abortion at a Virginia abortion facility say the consequences they're facing hardly compare to what the unborn are up against.

On November 16th last year, six pro-lifers did a Pink Rose Rescue; they entered Alexandria Women's Center and handed pink roses and life-affirming resources to the abortion-minded women in the waiting room.

"Our standpoint is that when you are dealing with radical acts of violence, they must be met with radical acts of love," Caroline Smith, spokeswoman for the left-leaning Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, tells AFN. "We're willing to put our bodies on the line for those children that are being led to slaughter. We're going to go where the killing happens. We're going to try to get in between the killer and their target -- in this case the unborn."

Smith's group recognizes there is a price to pay for their actions.

"We understand that this comes with consequences right now [with] the way our judicial system works, but those consequences will never be more than the consequences that the unborn will face, which ultimately always will be death," she says.

At the time, all six pro-lifers were arrested for trespassing, and at trial this week, all were found guilty. Four were sentenced to four days in jail, and two were jailed for 30 days. Daily demonstrations are being held at the jail until all are released.

Meanwhile, a flip side of consequences is reward. On the day of November 16th, for example, five of the abortion-minded women in the clinic's waiting room did cancel their appointments to terminate their children. With that in mind, Smith tells The Christian Post the risk of jail time is "worth it to us."