Homosexual activists knew early on they needed to reach children with their message to groom them to accept their lifestyle. Now, it appears liberal pro-aborts are adopting a similar strategy, attempting to convince parents to explain away abortion with their little ones. As Vox contributor Alex Hazlett puts it: "Talking about abortion with kids and young people is a long-term project that helps secure the future of reproductive justice."
Eric Scheidler, executive director of Pro-Life Action League, calls that approach "a horrible sort of propaganda" on children.

"This concerns me … because unwittingly, any parent who tries to have one of these suggested conversations about abortion is going to be telegraphing to their child that the parents' love is conditional [and based on circumstances surrounding the pregnancy]," the longtime pro-life activist explains.
Scheidler tells AFN that most children – even though they think on a different level than adults do – will be able to read between the lines.
"They can see if a parent talks about how sometimes a baby isn't coming at the right time and you need to have an abortion – [and] the child is going to wonder why they weren't aborted," he offers.
"They're going to wonder if maybe they could be aborted now, now that they're 5 or 6 or 9 years old," Scheidler continues, "because to a child there's a tremendous amount of sympathy and connection to children of all ages – even children in the womb."
Hazlett cites other sources that encourage parents to use abortion-related discussions with their children to demonstrate how important "choice" is to family formation and to connect abortion to other "big issues" such as racism and sexism.
In Scheidler's view, that approach clearly amounts to brainwashing.