Abortion mecca California wants state constitution to proclaim it

Abortion mecca California wants state constitution to proclaim it

California Gov. Gavin Newsom angrily denounces the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade at a June 24 press conference. 

Abortion mecca California wants state constitution to proclaim it

After learning California voters will decide in November if the state constitution will guarantee the right to kill a fetus in the womb, a pro-life activist predicts it will probably happen in a state where abortion is ghoulishly embraced.

“Obviously we believe that life is a fundamental right,” Mary Rose Short, of California Right to Life, says, “and so there is no way that the taking of human life could be a right.”

But there is nationwide wailing and gnashing of teeth from abortion supporters in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs decision that overturned their sacred-like Roe v. Wade. The court’s ruling kicked the volatile issue back to state governors and state legislatures, including in liberal-led California that both attempted to censor pregnancy centers and now bans health insurance plans from requiring co-pays for abortion.

Even though the legal right to abortion is fanatically guarded by a Democrat majority, those same lawmakers are now demanding a state amendment declaring the state “shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.”

This is the same state government defending "intimate decisions" that proudly boasted in October 2021 when California became the first state in the nation to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for any child age 12 and up to attend school. In fact, during the pandemic, Gov. Gavin Newsom oversaw some of country's worst business-crushing lockdowns that forced struggling business owners to sue for the right to remain in business. 

Just weeks before the school attendance mandate was announced, however, the governor easily survived a recall election 61%-38%.

According to Short, the outnumbered pro-lifers in California are under no illusion they can convince the public to keep abortion out of the state constitution.

“I think it would take a groundswell of grassroots campaigning. We have to bypass our liberal media, and politicians, and celebrities,” she predicts, “who will all be pushing for it with a lot of misinformation about what restricting abortion could look like and the need for this amendment.”