Nebraska lawmakers are considering a bill sponsored by State Senator Joni Albrecht that could go into effect this summer. It's called the Nebraska Human Life Protection Act (LB933).
"[It] would simply be a trigger if and when Roe v. Wade is overturned [and] it will automatically go into effect," the state lawmaker explains. "If we get this closed out before we leave, it will automatically go in as soon as Roe v. Wade is overturned."
Specifically, the bill's "statement of intent" explains:
LB933 would prohibit the performance of an abortion on live, unborn children upon the occurrence of one of three events: the overturn of Roe v. Wade, an amendment to the United States Constitution, or the passage of enabling legislation by the United States Congress. LB933 would provide for criminal penalties for any physician who performs an abortion, but allows for medical interventions that are necessary to preserve the life of the mother. The purpose of LB933 is to protect and promote society's respect for human life, including the life of the unborn.

There is some opposition, says Albrecht, as the bill works its way through the committee process.
"It is a bill that might not come out of the Judiciary Committee a hundred percent," she acknowledges. "And if [the committee vote] does not come out at least 5-to-3, then we do what's called a pull motion. In doing so, we would have to show that we had 25 members [in support] – and I have many more than that."
In fact, previous pieces of life-affirming legislation had 40 or more in support.
If the Supreme Court completely overturns Roe, the states will then have the responsibility to establish their own abortion policy – which accounts for the burst of similar laws introduced and passed in many pro-life states.