The Women's Health Protection Act, which would negate all federal and state pro-life laws on the books and approve abortion up to birth, was voted down for consideration in the Senate, but 13 of the senators who voted to proceed to make it a sweeping federal law are self-proclaimed Catholics.
Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute says if they are true Catholics then their faith “absolutely” has to come first in their lives, both in private and in public.
“So if you are a Catholic,” he stresses, “you cannot in good conscience vote in favor of something as heinous as abortion, especially abortion up until birth, which would be infanticide.”
Among a long list of Catholic pro-abortion politicians is President Joe Biden, who was confronted by a pro-life reporter this week about his Catholic faith and his support for abortion.

"As a Catholic, why do you support abortion, as a Catholic, defying church teachings?”
“I don't want to get in a debate with you on theology,” Biden deflected, “but you know, well anyway, I'm not going to make a judgment for other people.”
"But you're Catholic!," the reporter, later identified as Owen Jensen, replied.
Biden strolled up to reporters outside the White House with his forehead “ashed” to mark Lent, which likely angered Jensen, who works for the Catholic-based Eternal Word Television Network.