American Family News reported last week that Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, a Democrat who has presented himself as a rare pro-life advocate in his political party, disappointed pro-lifers by voting for the Senate to take up debate on the pro-abortion bill. Carol Tobias of the National Right to Life Committee says H.R. 3755 has already been approved by the House of Representatives.

"This bill would basically apply a federal law to all 50 states requiring abortion be permitted, allowed, performed, for all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, without limits, [and] tax-funding of abortion," Tobias reports.
Most of the pro-life laws at the state and federal levels would effectively be eliminated.
"This is about as radical as you can get when it comes to abortion," the pro-lifer continues.
AFA Action, the politically active arm of the American Family Association (AFA), is urging people to contact and encourage their senators to vote against the measure.
"President Biden has indicated he supports the bill and would sign it into law if it passes. If this bill becomes law, it will nullify any existing state pro-life laws protecting the life of the unborn," an AFA Action alert reports. "One of AFA's core values is the sanctity of human life. AFA believes that all human beings, including the unborn, are created in the image of God and are worthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins has also called on U.S. senators to vote NO on Monday. Hawkins says the Women's Health Protection Act is "an abortion industry wish list for power and control over abortion policy and state options that far surpasses the heavy-handed impact of Roe v. Wade."
"Using the term 'health' in the bill is especially deceitful, because abortion kills an innocent and can end a woman's ability to ever have a child," adds Hawkins. "Real healthcare works to save life, fertility, and preserve health."
SFLAction will score the vote that impacts what kind of policy is possible at the federal level and across the country. Scoring is a process of keeping track of key votes to hold politicians accountable with their voters.