Sen. Bob Casey, a Democrat, has presented himself as a rare pro-life advocate in his political party, where pro-life views are not welcomed. But he disappointed pro-lifers by voting for the Senate to take up debate on a pro-abortion bill, the Women’s Health Protection Act.

“It would wipe out pro-life laws,” Maria Gallagher, speaking for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, says of the controversial bill. “It would mean widespread taxpayer funding of abortion.”
The legislation is basically a wish list for abortion supporters who have witnessed major setbacks in state legislatures that are using their voting power to pass pro-life laws that restrict and regulate abortion.
There is also a real possibility a U.S. Supreme Court decision coming this summer will overturn Roe v Wade, which is considered a sacred-like ruling to radical abortion supporters.
According to pro-life groups, there is also a report Casey attended a fund-raising event for an abortion advocacy group.
So Gallagher says pro-lifers are concerned their senator is caving to party pressure to support abortion.
“That hasn't been [Casey’s] stand in the past,” the pro-life activist says. “He has been pro-life in the past, and we urge him to be pro-life in the present and in the future.”