Maria Gallagher of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation reports that more than half of the state's clinics are not meeting the standards established by the state.

"We see where nine out of 17 freestanding abortion facilities failed at least one inspection last year," she relays. "When we talk about failing inspection, we talk about putting women's health and safety at risk."
If the clinics are falling short, Gallagher reasons that something should be done about it.
"We're very concerned because Governor Tom Wolf (D) is very pro-abortion," she adds. "He is the most pro-abortion governor we've ever had in Pennsylvania history, and we are not convinced that he is going to take legitimate action against these abortion facilities which are failing inspection, and that's why we need a new governor."
Pennsylvania is the same state where abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing babies who were born alive during failed abortions. His clinic was not inspected for nearly two decades. He is currently serving life in prison.
As for the women of Pennsylvania, Gallagher advises them to consider the latest news on clinic inspections.
"The sad fact is that hair and nail salons receive greater scrutiny in Pennsylvania than abortion facilities," she adds.