The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) is trying to spread the word to doctors and other medical professionals that they, Heartbeat International, and Live Action are available to help any pregnant woman who takes the first of the two-pill regimen and regrets her decision.

Dr. Christina Francis, chairman of the AAPLOG board, details that doctors are getting information about "the way that abortion pill reversal works and whether or not there are risks involved with that, as well as being able to counter some of the false information that is being put out there by the abortion industry and its allies within the medical profession."
While opponents contend there is no scientific proof abortion pill reversal works, the truth is it has already saved the lives of more than 3,000 preborn babies.
"There is almost nothing that you can do in your daily practice that will be as fulfilling as this opportunity to provide a second chance at life for a developing child and also to help prevent the regrets of a mother who begins an abortion and then regrets that decision and changes her mind," Dr. Francis submits.
AAPLOG has a page specifically to inform doctors of how to join the network of physicians equipped to reverse chemical abortion reversal.