Docs can help women with 'immediate regret' over abortion pill

Docs can help women with 'immediate regret' over abortion pill

Docs can help women with 'immediate regret' over abortion pill

The Abortion Pill Reversal Network, which is gaining momentum in saving babies, is recruiting medical personnel to help.

The network, which is operated by Heartbeat International, says the reversal method has saved the lives of more than 3,000 babies who would have otherwise died from chemical abortions.

Andrea Trudden, a spokesperson for Heartbeat International, says expectant mothers have been able to reverse the “immediate regret” of killing their unborn child, after taking an abortion pill, when they contact the Network and get connected with a doctor who can help.

That information, which includes a helpline and a live chat, can be found here on the Abortion Pill Rescue Network website.

Trudden says the Network is looking to expand beyond the 1,000 doctors who currently provide assistance. That contact for interested doctors can be found here.