Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn (Colorado) has introduced a proposal in the U.S. House that, if passed, would replace the word "fetus" in all federal laws with "unborn child." The measure – dubbed the Recognizing the Unborn Act – has been endorsed by several pro-life groups: Americans United for Life, Susan B. Anthony List, Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, Concerned Women for America, and Family Policy Alliance.
Nicole Hudgens of the Family Policy Alliance tells AFN it's a good move.

"H.R. 6099 advances the truth that every child, both born and unborn, is fully human and deserves full recognition under law," she explains. "We thank Representative Lamborn for putting forth this important legislation and anticipate the day when every child in America is both fully recognized and fully protected."
Almost 20 of Lamborn's colleagues joined with him in introducing the legislation on December 1. Hudgens suggests all members of Congress need to hear from constituents on establishing the bill as federal policy.
"There's moments you can hold the line, or you can advance the line – and retreat is not an option," she states. "This is a great move to advance that line on the discussion so that one day we can fully recognize these children under federal law."
Hudgens adds it's a discussion state lawmakers should have as well because if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the abortion case Roe v. Wade, the states – not Congress or the courts – will establish abortion policy. Her group's "After Roe" campaign offers steps to take now in preparation for that possibility.