Enduring threats and foul language is nothing new for pro-life protesters but David Cox of the Family Council of Arkansas says there is video surveillance outside Family Planning Services that shows pro-life activists repeatedly escaping harm from a driver who nearly runs them over. Again and again. And not just any driver, either.

“According to the police reports, the driver allegedly was a woman named Natalie Tvedten,” Cox tells American Family News. “And there are court documents that show Natalie Tvedten is one of the owners actually at the abortion facility.”
Cox and Family Council have published the video footage online, which can be viewed here, and which shows three instances when the same black SUV turns into the clinic parking lot at high speed. According to footage reviewed by AFN, the most dangerous incident occurred when a protester was walking across the entrance and the SUV stops just feet from her.
In a second dangerous encounter, two pro-life protesters are nearly run over when the SUV jumps a sidewalk as it turns in. Reacting to the near-miss, a startled protester angrily bangs on the automobile, the footage shows.
The third video shows a protester had walked across the entrance just moments before the SUV turns.
Beyond the video evidence, Family Council says sidewalk protesters have reported the dangerous encounters to police as far back as 2018, when a pro-life activist told police Tvedten had run over his foot. Another incident was reported in February.
“So far we haven't seen any evidence that the authorities are going to pursue this,” Cox advises. “I personally don't know if any charges have been pressed.”
The police incident reports, which are also posted online by Family Council, state that police officers advised the pro-life activists to seek a warrant if they wish to pursue charges.
The abortionist at the Little Rock clinic is Tom Tvedten. He was temporarily suspended by the state medical board in 2020 after writing a prescription for medical marijuana to a 12-year-old patient.