September 18 is the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, an observance sponsored by the Pro-Life Action League that calls on people to gather for a solemn event, including prayer. League spokesman Eric Scheidler tells AFN there are 56 known gravesites around the country where the babies have been buried.

"We're going out at this time when the nation is thinking and looking at the abortion issue like never before," he explains, referring to the dozens of pro-life laws and ordinances being enacted in states and communities around the U.S.
"And we are speaking out to the humanity of these children and calling on our society to end this injustice and to seek God's healing for the tremendous wounds of abortion that have torn through our society."
According to Scheidler, pro-lifers have been encouraged recently by the Texas Heartbeat Law that halted most abortions in Texas and the U.S. Supreme Court hearing a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade.
"This is a tremendous moment of enthusiasm," he concludes. "And I really want to see pro-lifers capitalize on that – stay positive, stay hopeful, and devote themselves to this critical year of public education as we await a ruling in this incredibly important abortion lawsuit."
All total, prayer events are scheduled in over 200 locations throughout the country today – and Scheidler believes before the day is over, they may set a record.