Pamela Whitehead of ProLove Ministries tells American Family News women in that kind of situation often feel they have no option but to terminate the child through abortion, but she wants to encourage them in knowing they can bring their babies into the world.

"There's help available," Whitehead asserts. "There's more than 4,000 pregnancy centers across the United States. They stand ready and willing to help every woman. And if there's something that they can't do, we're here to supplement their efforts at Loveline."
More than 200 pregnancy help clinics are in Texas, where ProLove Ministries has experienced an increase in calls for help from women since the state implemented a heartbeat law banning abortions after a baby's heartbeat can be detected.
"Last week we had four times the number of calls that we normally get," Whitehead shares. "In an ordinary week, we get between 10 and 15 women actually follow through with our intake process. Last week we had 61, and now the number's up to almost 80."
Because of the "huge increase," the organization has taken on new case managers who guide women through the entire process, which starts with a phone call and hopefully continues to progress for nine months and even after the child is born.