PP can fund themselves, says Colorado rep.

PP can fund themselves, says Colorado rep.

PP can fund themselves, says Colorado rep.

As the U.S. Senate stands to decide whether to send the bill for abortions to the U.S. Treasury, another member of the House is speaking out against the effort.

As Congress considers major spending bills, Democrats in the House have approved the push to drop the Hyde Amendment, which has forbidden use of federal funds for abortion for more than 40 years. Without it, tax dollars will go to Planned Parenthood to fund abortion.

During an address before the House, Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert (R) sent a salient message to the Senate.

"Human life begins at conception, because we know science is real," she said. "More than 60 million babies have been ripped from their mothers' wombs since Roe vs Wade. [They] were no less valuable or worthy of life than any of us here today."

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion consortium in the country.

"Abortion is not healthcare. It is murder. I will not stand by quiet," Boebert declared. "I say Planned Parenthood can go fund themselves."

The abortion giant has received well over a half billion dollars from the federal government, even though it has proven itself capable of raising its own funds.