Now the junior senator from her state is clapping back.
Lee, shown above, went on to say, "None of their real values are from the life and teachings of the Christ of the Christian Bible."
Pennsylvania Sen. Dave McCormack fired back.
"None of us should take lectures from someone who has repeatedly demonstrated antisemitic behavior and is now condemning millions of her fellow citizens who simply want freedom, opportunity and secure borders,” he wrote.
Diane Gramley of American Family Association of Pennsylvania says Lee doesn't know what she's talking about.

“Summer Lee is being Summer Lee. I mean, she's the most liberal of our seventeen members of Congress. Obviously, she has not read Jesus's words in context to try to validate her liberal stance,” Gramley said.
Lee doubled down on McCormack, saying GOP priorities are antithetical to Christ's command to care for “least of these.”
"When he's hungry, will you feed him or cut SNAP benefits? When he's a stranger, will you invite him in or build a wall?"
Gramley says Christ's command is to his followers. A government's responsibility is to mete out justice and protect its citizens.
“It’s very frustrating for me, and I know for many, many other Christians as we see scripture being taken and twisted to mean something that it does not mean.”
Limited Christianity
She says not only is Lee and her squad wrong on the finer details of theology, they deny the obvious on the main points of the Bible.
“They want to wrap themselves in the Christian flag except when it comes to issues like abortion and so-called gender affirming care for minors. I mean, scripture is very clear about God being pro-life.”