Christian group aims to organize Hispanics, help them vote their values

Christian group aims to organize Hispanics, help them vote their values

Christian group aims to organize Hispanics, help them vote their values

Job Creators Network (JCN) has announced Hispanic voter activation events ahead of the November election.


JCN's Hispanic Vote Coalition is also involved in the effort.

"The Hispanic Vote Coalition is a group of Hispanic Christian-led organizations including the Job Creators Network which I work most with, and we are working to get Hispanic voters out to vote their values," says Mary Thomas, executive director of the Hispanic Vote Coalition.

Three Hispanic voter activation events are set for the weeks ahead: Las Vegas on Sept. 21; Allentown, Pennsylvania on Oct. 12; and Washington, DC on Oct. 15.

Organizers also held an event Wednesday in Washington.

"We are gathering large groups of pastors and talking to them about talking to their congregations and getting them energized to vote for biblical values, and to just stand up and have their voices heard because unfortunately too many Hispanics, and too many Christians, are not voting. That’s very much reflected in the state of our country as we see it right now," says Thomas.

Busy lives but pause, prioritize the vote

Why are Hispanics not voting? Like a lot of Americans, they’re busy, Thomas says.

Thomas, Mary (JCN) Thomas

"They're busy taking care of their family, they're busy operating their small business, they're busy working," says Thomas. "Some of those things take priority over getting out there and voting, but the problem is when we do that what we see is people saying boys can be girls and the economy being really killed with inflation and high prices and overregulation.

“But I think people are waking up and seeing that we have got to take a stand, we've got to vote if we want to have our values represented."

In addition to the events, JCN/Hispanic Vote Coalition launched a website called VotamosValores.com where people can find related information in Spanish and English.

"Votamos Valores" means "We Vote For Values."