Viral rant in Chicago symbolizes inner-city anger at Dems

Viral rant in Chicago symbolizes inner-city anger at Dems

Pictured: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson

Viral rant in Chicago symbolizes inner-city anger at Dems

Reacting to a viral video from Chicago, a black conservative activist says black Americans have been hurt by the Democratic Party and are not falling in line with political talking points.

The video, filmed during a recent Chicago City Council meeting, features an elderly black woman blasting city officials for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to care for illegal immigrants instead of Chicagoans. 

Approximately 50,000 illegal immigrants – referred to simply as “migrants” by their advocates – have poured into Chicago over the previous two years thanks to the Biden-Harris administration allowing them to remain.

Many of them have been bused to Chicago, a self-declared "sanctuary city," by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Many if not most illegals are coached to request asylum, which will most likely be denied, but that process takes years before they stand in front of an immigration judge. Meanwhile, the City of Chicago is feeding, housing and providing medical care for them. 

“We ain’t taking no disrespect,” the woman says, “from a bunch of people who have broken into the country and now have completely broke the city.”

The woman, identified by radio station WGIL as Jessica Jackson, was attending a city committee hearing that was held to discuss the city’s “migrant” problem.

In her angry speech, Jackson accused the city’s leaders of using “social justice” to exploit black Chicagoans. She complained about political signs, created by a liberal group, that state "Black People are Hating on Migrants."

She also urged blacks to leave the Democratic Party, pointing to the recent examples of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard.  

“In the words of Malcolm X,” she says, “who told us that the white liberal is the worst enemy to the black man.”

Donna Jackson, of Project 21, tells AFN the complaining Chicagoan has good reason to be upset by the immigrant crisis in her city.

Jackson, Donna (Project 21) Jackson

“There are a number of people who have been waiting for housing, sometimes on the waiting list for eight to 10 years,” Jackson says. “And you have illegal immigrants who come into the city and get two years' free rent and they're automatically given housing.”

A story by The Chicago Tribune, published in June, describes a Venezuelan family of four that was moved from a small hotel room to an apartment. A state program pays their rent for six months, the story said, but the apartment was in poor shape with holes in the ceiling and ruined drywall. A burst pipe possibly caused the damage. 

A local property manager, identified as Lori Wyatt, pocketed more than $10,000 in state funds for finding the apartment for the family. 

The story also describes how state-funded medical insurance paid for the father when he was hospitalized from surgery complications. A daughter, who suffers from lupus and epilepsy, has undergone two surgeries in Chicago for a spinal cord wound.

Back in the WGIL story, it said Jackson’s speech was followed by a proposal from a city alderman, Byron Sigcho Lopez. He suggested a referendum, on the November ballot, to impose a three-percent income tax hike on Chicago’s wealthiest to pay for the city’s illegal immigrants.

“We have 120,000 millionaires who live in the city of Chicago who can pay their fair share,” Lopez, identified as a member of the Chicago Democratic Socialist Caucus, said.