Trump would win in a landslide if the Israelis had a say

Trump would win in a landslide if the Israelis had a say

Trump would win in a landslide if the Israelis had a say

A pro-Israel activist and former presidential candidate says if Israelis had the vote, Donald Trump would win in a landslide.

Much has been made about the political tightrope Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been walking, trying to keep their Jewish voters happy but not alienating the Muslim voting blocs in states like Michigan and Minnesota. Now, anti-Israel demonstrations are gearing back up on college campuses across the country as school starts.

Gary Bauer is chairman of the Campaign for Working Families and has served on the board of Christians United for Israel. He says the Israeli people know what's at stake.

Bauer, Gary (American Values) Bauer

"There's polling being done in Israel every few weeks, just like there is here in the United States, and because the United States is so important for the survival of Israel, one of the things they ask in the poll is If you lived in America and were voting in the presidential election, how would you vote? The last poll that came out in Israel just a few weeks ago shows that Donald Trump would defeat Kamala Harris in Israel 65% to 35%."

Numbers on the continent that will decide the U.S. election show Harris currently leading Trump by 3.3 points in an average of major polls at FiveThirty-Eight.com.

In Israel, younger voters are the most solid behind Trump. Israelis between the ages of 19 and 29 support the former president by more than 85 points.

"Trump beats Kamala Harris 93% to 7% [in that age group]. So, Israelis know who is going to stand with them while they're under siege on every one of their borders, and they overwhelmingly believe that it's Donald Trump. If Kamala Harris wins the election, I can tell you from talking to the Israelis, they will be devastated by that outcome,” Bauer said.