Chicago conservatives can't wait for the DNC

Chicago conservatives can't wait for the DNC

Chicago conservatives can't wait for the DNC

The Democratic Party is expected to display "who they've always been" at their national convention in Chicago this week.

Though Kamala Harris has supposedly been riding high in the polls, ChicagoRED founder P. Rae Easley predicts much of the attention at the Democrats' gathering this week will be on the estimated 100,000 protestors outside the convention site.

She says the Chicagoland area has the largest Palestinian population in the country.

Easley, P Rae (Project 21 ambassador) Easley

"They've already discussed that they're going to do large-scale demonstrations," Easley notes. "You have people who are going to be protesting police brutality; you're going to have the regular anarchists. It's going to be really bad."

In her view, that will be "the perfect display of the Democratic Party."

"All they know is chaos and violence," the conservative asserts. "Remember, this is the party that declared war on the United States of America. This is the party of the Ku Klux Klan. This is the party of Antifa. So, we expect for them to be exactly who they've always been."

But her organization, whose goal is to move citizens away from the liberal progressive failures that are bankrupting their city, plans to send a direct message to the Democratic National Convention: "We're not dealing with them anymore."

"This is actually the grand breakup, and we can't wait for it to start," Easley tells AFN.