Will antisemitic Bush be next?

Will antisemitic Bush be next?

Will antisemitic Bush be next?

A conservative radio host in St. Louis is pleased that a pro-Israel group is taking aim at an anti-Israel Democrat in her area.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) United Democracy Project – a pro-Israel super PAC that helped take down antisemitic Squad member Jamaal Bowman of New York – is now working to oust another radical Israel hater, Missouri Democrat Cori Bush.

The St. Louis representative was one of the few House members who opposed a resolution supporting Israel, and she has also called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "war criminal."

So, the super PAC has spent more than $8.4 million to unseat her in her upcoming (Aug. 6) Democratic primary against St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell.

Washington, Stacy Washington

"I am kind of surprised they waited this long, but I'm glad to see it," responds Christian radio host Stacy Washington. "She espouses anti-American views; I believe that antisemitism is anti-American, and just as much as we oppose racism against any racial or ethnic background, we should oppose antisemitism."

She says Bush's actions are unacceptable.

"You can hold any view that you want, but I don't believe you can hold anti-American, antisemitic views and be an elected member of Congress," Washington submits. "So, I'm glad that they're targeting her. I hope they're successful, and I hope we're able to have a better congressional member going into that House on behalf of Missourians and Congressional District 1."

According to an AIPAC statement to The Associated Press, "Cori Bush has been one of the most hostile critics of Israel since she came to Congress in 2021 and has actively worked to undermine mainstream Democratic support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. AIPAC's grassroots members are proud to support strong pro-Israel progressive Democrats like Wesley Bell."

Washington notes, though, that Bell is still a left-wing Democrat.

"His mainstream views on Jewish people's right to exist is the reason why they're capitalizing on him," she says.