Kamala Harris has been a heartbeat from the presidency for four years and now, in a politically divided country, voters could award her the highest office in the land.
That means the world's most powerful job could go to the source of comedy gold, from her space shuttle story to explaining the Russia-Ukraine war, and of course statements that are nonsensical.
But, oh, the aims are there. There are goals and intentions. And there’s a plan.
“Kamala Harris is tricking conservatives day in and day out,” author and culture critic Dr. James Lindsay said on American Family Radio Friday.
“She is a very savvy communist operator who is hiding her communism in what appears to be idiot Valley girl speak," Lindsay told show host Jenna Ellis. "And you can't see that she's actually saying pitch-perfect communism, whether it's about diversity, whether it's about her agenda for equity, whether it's about her agenda to make sure that everybody finishes at the same place."
Among her bizarre statements, Harris has often repeated the line “what can be, unburdened by what has been.”
There are connections to Marxism with that line. Karl Marx equated it with class struggle and the ability for humanity to move toward a future where it is unburdened by the weight of historical conditions.
Marx believed that humanity could move past the burdens of private property, it’s ownership and exploitation, toward a more equitable and just society.
“This is a very imagination-based Marxist line,” Lindsay said. “In other words, we can transcend our historical conditions, as Mao would call, or Marx would call them, and we can see a totally different possibility for a totally different world.”
Like an attorney pressing his case, Lindsay went to X after his AFR interview and posted words directly from Marx. "Men make their own history," Marx wrote, "but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past."
It’s a family affair
Leftist views run deep in the Harris family. Kamala Harris’ father, Donald Harris, now a retired Stanford economics professor, was labeled as a “Marxist scholar” by The Stanford Daily in 1976. It said some faculty described Harris as “too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-classical economics. “In brief, Harris taught ‘bad’ courses too well,” the newspaper said.
On social media, where Harris is often mocked for her silly phrases, the X channel End Wokeness was not joking in a video clip shared July 25. It shows Harris speaking and talking about "equity" versus "equality." She argues that equity means "everybody ends up in the same place."
"This is called communism," the X channel concludes.
The issue of equality under Communism was once addressed by Alexandr Solzhenitsn, the Soviet author and political dissident.
"If they are free, they are not equal," he said of human beings. "If they are equal, they are not free."
“Equity, whether it's about her agenda to make sure that everybody finishes at the same place with equality, whether it's you didn't fall out of a coconut tree, which means your historical conditions bear upon you, as Marx said, it’s all Marxist rhetoric coming from her mouth,” Lindsay said. “That includes the famous line able to see what can be unburdened by what has been in the overwhelming push for open borders, crime, which are socialist strategies, defunding the police and so on.”
Tuberville: Her record shows who she is

In a brief YouTube video posted this week, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) says the far-left national media is working hard to shift the conversation away from Harris' liberal record. That’s why there’s been a “media meltdown” attacking Donald Trump, he said.
“Our country is suffering. It has a terminal illness. Our country is in trouble. Right now our country needs a leader that is going to heal America, not harm America,” Tuberville said.
Confused by education
Why are so many fooled by this?
It starts with the education system in America.
“We have a red-washed education in this country and have had red-washed education for decades, which means they've washed out all of the communist history, all of the communist understanding that we would need to be able to recognize it,” Lindsay said.
Traditionally, conservatives have been against communism, but in the modern day, owing in part to the education system, they can’t articulate why, Lindsay said.
“I hear constantly that communism means atheism. I hear that communism, it's just a bad economic system that doesn't work. They don’t understand it on a deeper level. They don’t understand what motivates people.”
Believers interpret the end of “economic inequality” as the eradication of poverty. They see job security and stability.
Some may be motivated by a sense of working for the greater good. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” as Marx would put it.
In the current climate, conservatives are being taken in by a sophisticated operation being run by Democrats, Lindsay said.
There are two main characters: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
“Joe Biden is genuinely incompetent, but the Democrats have been able to hide their Marxism behind his incompetence,” Lindsay said.
'Incompetent' vs clever
Democrats are using the Hanlon’s Razor approach, he said. The philosophical principle teaches that we should assume people’s mistakes or poor behavior are due to a lack of knowledge or skill and not due to deliberate efforts to create harm or havoc.
“So, how could he be doing evil on purpose if he's incompetent? They’ve hidden his Marxism behind this kindly doddering, senile old man image that they've put out, which is true, except for the kindly part,” Lindsay said.
In walks Harris whose deception is real and intentional, Lindsay said.
“At the end of the day, this equity that she's pushing as hard as she can into everything, this is all naked communism. We can't see it because we believe she's stupid.”
What to do now: Wake up
The education system and a deeper understanding of communism will require much longer to fix, Lindsay said. But there’s something all Americans can do immediately to keep communism from taking up residence in the White House for four years.
“So, if something's short term actionable, it's stop thinking that Kamala Harris is an idiot and start thinking that she's acting like an idiot so you can't see who she really is,” Lindsay said.
To his credit, Lindsay's warning is not going ignored. His X posts about Harris and Marxism are being shared online by prominent conservatives such as James O'Keefe and Charlie Kirk, and anti-Communist activist Xi Van Fleet.